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Cum o mamă singură din București s-a transformat și a ajuns cu fotografiile sale în expoziții din întrega lume. O poveste reală.

Un articol de Esther de Charon de Saint Germain (Olanda);

expert în brand personal, marketing, comunicare și design, istoric de artă, coach transformational certificat și consilier.

"The Brave Branding" și "Business Queen".

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Am întâlnit-o pe Magda Zatari acum doi ani (2018), când am început să lucrez cu ea.

Magda era (și este) un fotograf extraordinar, dar traversa o perioadă foarte grea. Locuia în București, România; mamă a unei fetițe adorabile; într-o căsătorie dificilă, cu venituri foarte mici.

Magda era timidă și tăcută. Și... obstacolul ei cel mai mare era: "Sunt urâtă". ⁣

Crescând auzise cuvintele acestea de mii și mii de ori⁣: "Ești urâtă".

Și aceasta a devenit realitatea ei.

Fiecare sedință de Mastermind am urmărit această femeie frumoasă, ascunzându-se în fața camerei.⁣

Era atât de clar că era specială.⁣

Dar ea nu vedea.⁣

Am invitat-o pe Magda să fotografieze un curs pe care l-am ținut în Zurich și un Retreat in Olanda. ⁣

Fiecare fotografie a fost extraordinară. ⁣

Magda încă credea că persoana ei nu merită nicio atenție.

⁣Dar ea avea o voință de fier; Și-a dorit să fie ACOLO, dincolo de București, pentru că ceea ce avea de spus îl depășea cu mult⁣

Magda a început să lucreze cu femeile.

Zi de zi și-a explorat senzualitatea.

A divorțat și și-a continuat drumul singură, alături de fetița sa.

S-a asigurat că fotografiile ei vor traversa globul.⁣

A fost așa o delectare să o privesc crescând! ⁣

Astăzi am avut o ședință de mastermind și Magda era acolo complet schimbată.⁣

Magda radia!⁣

Și ne-a dezvăluit asta:⁣

“Locuiesc într-un nou apartament cu fetița mea.

⁣ Fotografiile mele sunt expuse în Washington, Melbourne, Los Angeles, Hanoi, și într-o mulțime de alte locuri din Europa.⁣

Ah, și de asemenea în alte câteva reviste.”⁣

 Am cliente care în urma unei zile intense alături de mine  își descoperă arhetipurile, iși potențează creativitatea și își crează ancore vizuale către visele lor cele mai ardente... ⁣
și... voi merge în Africa!

Singurul lucru este că... nu am suficient timp.”⁣

Am fost uimite! Și atât de fericite.⁣

Magda stătea în PROPIA bucătărie, chiar în fața camerei și declara că într-adevăr este o ZEIȚĂ.⁣

“Da, știu că sunt frumoasă.”⁣

Pentru a-i acorda Magdei mai mult timp, am conceput un curs nou pentru ea.

Pentru că o zeiță merită mulți bani pentru ceea ce este și împărtășește cu inima deschisă, pentru a călători în Africa. 

Minunata Magda va transforma femeile care cred - la fel cum și ea a făcut-o, că nu merită... că ele nu sunt frumoase. ⁣

Magda va folosi aceleași unelte transformaționale și fotografia, care au transformat-o pe ea, ca să ajute femeile să vadă cât de incredibil de frumoase sunt. 

Pentru că o femeie îndrăgostită de ea însăși este de neoprit.

Și Magda este dovada.⁣

Contacteaz-o pe Magda dacă-ți dorești și tu asta. 

Destul de curând - sunt 100% sigură - timpul ședințelor foto cu Magda va fi complet rezervat.

PS Magda mi-a dat permisiunea să împărtășesc povestea sa uimitoare cu voi!

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As a little girl I always has a "special" relation with my big brother and I believed everything he said. His favorite game was to overwhelm me and one of his method was to tel me:

"You are ugly, you are ugly, you are so, so, ugly!"

Then I get angry and I' was so used. I was taking fire and I was going to beat my brother.

Magda:"Shut up, shut up, shut up, it's not like that!"

Look, Mom, what he says! Beat it!"

Mom: Ha, ha, ha, ha, you can't see, he is just joking with you.

I become red and my eyes filled with tears. Why does she laugh? Why does not she punish him?

I will beat him!

I took the splash for flies and hurt him. Take it!

My mom come and slap my cheek. 

Mom: You naughty girl! How do you dare to hurt your big brother? Go to your room and keep the silence.

And you, don't tell her this again, she doesn't know to laugh at you joke. She become just angry.

I cried and I cried and I cried. And this happened almost every day till I get bigger and go to school.

Sometime I hated my mom and my brother too. My dad rarely come and tell my brother to stop.

I was sad.

Meet Magda Zatari, she started working with me 2 years ago (2018).

She was (and is) an amazing photographer, but was going through a very hard time.⁣

Living in Bucharest, Romania, mother of an adorable girl, a rocky marriage with very little income. ⁣

Magda was shy and silent. And her biggest obstacle was: ‘I am ugly.’ ⁣

Growing up she had heard those words over and over again ⁣

‘You are ugly’.⁣

And it had become her reality.⁣

Every Mastermind session I watched this beautiful woman, hiding in front of the camera.⁣

Time for school 

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Before to start my formal studies at 7 years old, l knew that I want to study drawing and painting. My parents choose for me The Art School but instead of fine arts section they pick for me music section. I was so angry. 

Magda: Why did you choose music? I don't want music.

Mom: Fine arts section you have to many hours so music is better for a little and too sensitive girl like you.

Magda: I'm not to little and neither too sensitive for I can do what I want. I don't want to play music,  I want to paint!

Mom: Well, you will make your choose when you'll grow up. 

And I did it, 8 years later I become a student of The Fine Art College. The next 4 years were the best student period I could have.

Meet Magda Zatari, she started working with me 2 years ago (2018).

She was (and is) an amazing photographer, but was going through a very hard time.⁣

Living in Bucharest, Romania, mother of an adorable girl, a rocky marriage with very little income. ⁣

Magda was shy and silent. And her biggest obstacle was: ‘I am ugly.’ ⁣

Growing up she had heard those words over and over again ⁣

‘You are ugly’.⁣

And it had become her reality.⁣

Every Mastermind session I watched this beautiful woman, hiding in front of the camera.⁣

A strong blow

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I was in the first year of high school and went as usually to the reading room of the library to learn. In my way, two men on the other side of the street start screaming to me:

First man: The crow! The crow! Holly Christ what a big nose she has! She's so ugly!

Second man: Ugly girl! What ugly you are!

I rushed to get to the library to not hear them anymore. I felt shame with my face.

The lesson of that day was "Goya, the aesthetics of ugliness".

What a coincidence with my situation, I though in my mind!
I wondered, am I really ugly? What do these people have with me?

What's wrong with me? What is beautiful for them and why?

What can I do to be beautiful?

What can I do the men see me like this and love me and just me?

Meet Magda Zatari, she started working with me 2 years ago (2018).

She was (and is) an amazing photographer, but was going through a very hard time.⁣

Living in Bucharest, Romania, mother of an adorable girl, a rocky marriage with very little income. ⁣

Magda was shy and silent. And her biggest obstacle was: ‘I am ugly.’ ⁣

Growing up she had heard those words over and over again ⁣

‘You are ugly’.⁣

And it had become her reality.⁣

Every Mastermind session I watched this beautiful woman, hiding in front of the camera.⁣

Awards and Deception - Lack of Clues

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Starting that day, I began to paint self-portraits. One after another.

I have noticed that the angles and light, the position you have, but especially the condition, influence how you appear in the mirror in a wide range of images, from grotesque to miraculously beautiful, as though I was another person.

Meet Magda Zatari, she started working with me 2 years ago (2018).

She was (and is) an amazing photographer, but was going through a very hard time.⁣

Living in Bucharest, Romania, mother of an adorable girl, a rocky marriage with very little income. ⁣

Magda was shy and silent. And her biggest obstacle was: ‘I am ugly.’ ⁣

Growing up she had heard those words over and over again ⁣

‘You are ugly’.⁣

And it had become her reality.⁣

Every Mastermind session I watched this beautiful woman, hiding in front of the camera.⁣

Awards and Deception - Lack of Clues

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As a child I always


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Meet Magda Zatari, she started working with me 2 years ago (2018).

She was (and is) an amazing photographer, but was going through a very hard time.⁣

Living in Bucharest, Romania, mother of an adorable girl, a rocky marriage with very little income. ⁣

Magda was shy and silent. And her biggest obstacle was: ‘I am ugly.’ ⁣

Growing up she had heard those words over and over again ⁣

‘You are ugly’.⁣

And it had become her reality.⁣

Every Mastermind session I watched this beautiful woman, hiding in front of the camera.⁣

Down Again and Again and Again

Love's failures


The Victim

Something is wrong

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I foud a way paied by my photo camera


Public Speaking

Who am I?

Self Image

Self Confidence

The Power of Thoughts
and Emotions

I am the master of my mind

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Down Again but up with Failure's Gifts

A kid in my life


I lost my husband


I won big Lessons & Help from Goddess

My life is now outside of my country too

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The Big Insides - in my way to the light 

I'm the Sun Daughter


The Image in the mirror is not me, is what the others think about me - it's a mask


Unconditional Love

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